Monday, March 8, 2010


A lovesick cardinal is singing its heart out in the yard. If you're not familiar with the song, I recorded this the other day at Fairchild, where they could be heard all around the garden.

I took these photos last June of a pair that visited one of my feeders. Curiously, they alternated visits, never coming to the feeder together. Perhaps that was to ensure that one parent survived an unforseen attack.


NanaK said...

I love my cardinal pair. They have been around for years. They are some of the reliable birds at my feeder no matter the season. Mine visit the feeders separately too. Usually they both stand guard in the oak tree when they have babies coming to the feeder.

Terra Mirabilis said...

How lovely! I'm not sure where my pair nests, but it's got to be close by. And I never get tired of seeing them, either.

Kyna said...

Oh, I love cardinals. The male and female have this romantic closeness going on, that makes me happy lol. They're my little buddies! :D