One day in November 2008, standing on the platform waiting for a train to go to work, I noticed the (unpleasant, in my view) scent of mango blossom. It was a first since there are no trees near the station and suggested we were in for a bumper crop. Sure enough, last summer produced the biggest harvest for a very long time. People couldn't give them away (I still have some frozen puree), and I almost got to the point of being sick of them.
Nobody was expecting much for this coming summer, especially given the freeze, but to our amazement, the blossoms are almost as prolific as last season's. It seems that mangoes like a cold snap to get them going.
Some people are allergic to mango, but it turns out it's the sap, also found in the skin, that's the problem. The flesh itself is safe. If you've never tried a fresh, ripe mango of a good cultivar, you don't know what you're missing.
The Future Looks Different to All of Us: The 2025 PHS Flower Show
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20 hours ago
I agree, mangoes are yummy. How wonderful to have your own supply of them. I haven't had very good luck with the few fruit trees I have tried to grow. I'll just enjoy looking at yours.
Thanks, Nana, but until recently I've had little luck with mango trees. Then I bought a Van Dyke cultivar at Home Depot and it's taken off. It's still too young to bear fruit, although it's trying hard. It's got flowers and when the fruit sets, I'll cut them off. It needs another year, or probably two, before it should be allowed to bear fruit.
I should have added that the picture is of neighborhood trees. This whole area was devoted to commercial mango groves before Miami spread itself out.
I am so jealous. It's too cold up here for mangoes. My grandmother lived in Miami and had an awesome mango tree near the septic tank. She had amazing mangoes, that all seemed to ripen at once. We ate what we could, she froze some, but the best thing she did was make the most amazing mango jam
Eating mangoes is a way of life here in the summer. I grew up in a town that is famous for a particular variety of mango and there's just nothing like a piece of cold mango from the fridge on a hot summer's day!
Mangoes are the common fruit in my garden. I know what you mean when you say you have become sick of it. I had few mangoes sitting in my fridge until they all rot away as everyone at home had enough eating them. I guess its the season thing. When they come - they come in thousands.
(sorry - mangoes are common fruit in my region - not garden)
Penny, mango is my absolute favorite fruit! AND, my mango is blooming like crazy! I'm hoping it will produce fruit this year (did last year, but all fell to the ground prematurely since the tree had only been in the ground a year).
Our favorite use of excess mangoes: Pureed mango with a little orange liqueur (Grand Marnier for example) used as a sauce for good quality vanilla ice cream! Divine!
Also, aged mango chutney (green or ripe mangoes).
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